New Vision and New Passion


WM Communications Asia-Pacific is changing…

Not all of us are looking for a change.  Arnold Bennett said, “Any change, even a change for the better, is always accompanied by drawbacks and discomforts.”  Whether it is intentional or not, the change makes us bumpy.

Yet, change is inevitable in our lives as well as ministry. It is also the reality in our life as what Irene Peter affirmed, “Anyone who thinks there’s safety in numbers hasn’t looked at the stock market pages.” If we don’t change, we will be perish soon…

WM Communication Asia-Pacific is on the changing mode. The team has spent  a few months to reshape of our  purpose, vision, and reasons for existence. Out of the series of meetings and dialogues, we have come up with a new vision.

“ provide relevant media resources in every languages across the region.”

As a missional media production house, we re-commit ourselves to make our every effort to produce the most relevant media materials for the mission of the Church. The new vision explores our new passion  to make  Christlike disciples in every nations across the region. We were reminded  that we are not just making videos, radio programs, and websites. What we are making will transform the heart of Christians and non-Christians.

Furthermore, the relevance of the production should be in the context of Asia-Pacific region. We were reminded that we are serving the region which is composed of  24 countries, 46 districts, and languages of more than two thousand. It may be impossible to make media materials for  “every language” but we refocus of our vision to make media materials that will have an impact to all language groups across the Asia-Pacific region as much as possible. We are reminded again of the importance of having culturally and linguistically relevant media materials for the mission of the Church.

In the situation of uncertainty in our life, we are sure of what we believe (Hebrew 11:1). It is faith in GOD. And we take the new chapter of WM Communications Asia-Pacific with the faith we believe. The vision we made cannot be achieved in a few years. But we believe that God will be with us as we walk with Him for the fulfillment of the goal day by day.

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